
原住民族委員會第十一屆全國原住民兒童繪畫創作比賽徵件簡章 檔案下載

中華民國第四十八屆世界兒童畫展國內總決選獲獎名冊如獲獎者或指導者姓名需要勘誤校繕者,請於即日起至7月20日 前,逕電洽盧老師申請補正(電話:07-3985529)


中華民國第四十八屆世界兒童畫展總決選 國內佳作 檔案下載


中華民國第四十八屆世界兒童畫展總決選 國內優選 檔案下載


中華民國第四十八屆世界兒童畫展總決選國內特優 檔案下載


中華民國選拔參加日本第48回世界兒童畫展全國徵畫比賽辦法 檔案下載


Association for Education through Art of the Republic of China
一、 主辦中華民國世界兒童畫展暨國際巡迴展
二、 主辦徵選參加日本世界兒童畫展
三、 出版世界兒童畫展專輯及兒童美育季刊
四、 舉辦國際性美術交流活動
五、 舉辦國際兒童互訪活動
Association for Education through Art of the Republic ofChina
Director: An-Lai Lu
Phone: 8867-39855296

◎ NGO: Academy & culture
The association was authorized for establishment by Ministry of Interior on December 8, 1968, and since been operating for 43 years. Under the leadership of directors, planning of secretaries general, and collaboration of supervisors, the association is well conducted and we keep growing.
In order to enhance the arts education, we work on researching and developing school events including educational materials, teaching methods and courses for children’s arts; as well as organizing and co-organizing activities regularly and irregularly. Important events are summarized as below:
A. Organize and sponsor the World School Children’s Art Exhibition in Taiwan and International Travelling Exhibition in the world
We held the 1st Exhibition of World School Children’s Art in the R.O.C. in 1969, and it is now on its 42nd event. The number of participating countries increased from less than twenty to more than sixty. This exhibition fostered international cultural exchange and mutual understanding. Thus, the children’s arts education won acclamation and praise worldwide.
In addition to exhibitions and grand awarding ceremonies in Taiwan, Outstanding works were exhibited in various countries, which greatly benefited the children’s arts education in the nation.
B. Organize the selections for World School Children’s Art Exhibition in Japan
We selected excellent domestic Children’s art works to join the World School Children’s Art Exhibition held annually inJapan, and those fine works always ranked with the best in the contest. It contributed greatly to international cultural exchange.
C. Publication of albums of World School Children’s Art Exhibitions and quarterlies on children’s arts education
This study gathered outstanding winning works in the Exhibition of World School Children’s Art held in the R.O.C., and printed exquisite color albums as presents for participating units, middle and elementary schools, social education centers, arts museums, cultural centers, and departments of fine arts of colleges as data for appreciation and research.
D. Hold events of international arts exchange
In order to promote exchange between international arts education institutes, groups fromJapan,Korea,U.S.,Singapore,South Africaand Germany etc. were invited to visit our nation. And we also organized groups to visit Europe, Northeast Asia andSoutheast Asia. These groups were led by Director Long-Rong Wu annually to participate in the plastic arts education research convention. He announced his dissertation at the convention and introduced research results and thoughts on national children’s arts education. We came back with high praise.
E. International children’s mutual visits
We held an award ceremony for World School Children’s Art Exhibition in R.O.C., inviting children, accompanied by their parents, who won gold medals fromJapan,Singapore,Korea,PhilippinesandMalaysiato come toTaiwanto receive awards and interviews. It bridged and balanced cultural differences, foster international friendship and enhance international cultural exchange.


第80屆臺陽美展獲獎名冊 檔案下載





2017海洋童樂繪圖紙及報名表 檔案下載


臺陽美展第80屆入選名單 檔案下載